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Rhode Island Department Of Business Regulation Insurance Division

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The Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation Insurance Division (RIDBRID) is the state agency responsible for regulating the insurance industry in the state of Rhode Island. As part of its mission, the Insurance Division oversees the activities of insurers, producers, and other related entities to ensure that the insurance marketplace is competitive, safe, and secure for the citizens of Rhode Island. The Division also serves as an advocate for consumers in matters related to insurance.


The Insurance Division is responsible for communicating and enforcing the various laws and regulations pertaining to the insurance industry in Rhode Island. This includes, but is not limited to, licensing requirements, rate and form filing requirements, and consumer protection laws. The Division also works to ensure that all insurers, producers, and other related entities are in compliance with these laws and regulations.

Consumer Protection

The Insurance Division is committed to ensuring the safety of the citizens of Rhode Island by protecting them from unfair and deceptive insurance practices. The Division investigates consumer complaints and works to resolve them in a timely manner. The Division also provides consumer education programs to help Rhode Island residents understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to insurance. Additionally, the Division works to ensure that consumers are treated fairly and that their rights are protected.


The Insurance Division is responsible for issuing licenses to insurers, producers, and other related entities in the insurance industry. In order to obtain a license, applicants must meet certain requirements and pass examinations. The Division also oversees the renewal process for license holders and works to ensure that license holders maintain compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Rate and Form Filing

The Insurance Division is responsible for reviewing and approving rate and form filings submitted by insurers, producers, and other related entities. The filings must meet certain criteria and be compliant with the laws and regulations of the state of Rhode Island. The Division also monitors the rates and forms to ensure that they remain in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Examinations and Audits

The Insurance Division is responsible for conducting examinations and audits of insurers, producers, and other related entities. The examinations are conducted to ensure that the entities are in compliance with the laws and regulations of the state of Rhode Island. The Division also conducts financial examinations to ensure that the entities are financially sound and are able to meet their obligations to policyholders.


The Insurance Division is responsible for investigating any alleged violations of the laws and regulations pertaining to the insurance industry in Rhode Island. This includes, but is not limited to, investigations of suspected fraud and unfair and deceptive practices. The Division also works to resolve consumer complaints in a timely manner.


The Insurance Division is responsible for enforcing the various laws and regulations pertaining to the insurance industry in Rhode Island. This includes, but is not limited to, issuing fines and revoking licenses for violations of the law. The Division also works to ensure that insurers, producers, and other related entities are in compliance with the laws and regulations.


The Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation Insurance Division plays a vital role in the regulation of the insurance industry in Rhode Island. The Division is responsible for ensuring that insurers, producers, and other related entities are in compliance with the laws and regulations of the state. Additionally, the Division is responsible for protecting consumers from unfair and deceptive insurance practices. The Division works to ensure that the insurance marketplace is competitive, safe, and secure for the citizens of Rhode Island.