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Average Lawyer Salary By State

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Lawyer Salaries in the United States

Lawyers in the United States earn an average of $60,000 to $150,000 per year, depending on the state in which they practice law. The national average salary for lawyers is $83,000 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, lawyer salaries vary greatly by state and region, as well as by job type and experience. In some states, lawyers earn an average of more than $200,000 per year.

The highest-paid lawyers in the United States are typically those who work in large firms in major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. They often have years of experience and specialize in complex legal cases that require a high level of expertise. However, even in small cities, lawyers can make a comfortable living. In some states, such as Nevada and Arizona, lawyers can earn six-figure salaries.

Average Lawyer Salaries By State

The average lawyer salary by state varies greatly. Below is a breakdown of the average lawyer salary in each state, based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


The average lawyer salary in the state of Alabama is $92,990 per year. Alabama is among the lower-paying states for lawyers, but attorneys can still earn a comfortable salary. The median salary for lawyers in Alabama is $90,820 per year, which is slightly below the national median salary.


The average lawyer salary in the state of Alaska is $125,120 per year. This is one of the higher-paying states for lawyers, with the median salary for attorneys being slightly higher at $128,450 per year. This is due to the state’s large legal industry and the fact that many lawyers practice in remote areas of the state.


The average lawyer salary in the state of Arizona is $115,340 per year. This is one of the higher-paying states for lawyers, with the median salary for attorneys being slightly higher at $117,450 per year. Lawyers in Arizona can earn six-figure salaries in certain areas of the state.


The average lawyer salary in the state of Arkansas is $92,710 per year. This is slightly lower than the national median salary, but attorneys in Arkansas can still make a comfortable living. The median salary for lawyers in Arkansas is $91,800 per year.


The average lawyer salary in the state of California is $134,950 per year. This is one of the highest-paying states for lawyers, with the median salary for attorneys being slightly higher at $138,040 per year. California is home to many large law firms and experienced attorneys can earn six-figure salaries in certain areas of the state.


The average lawyer salary in the state of Colorado is $124,420 per year. This is one of the higher-paying states for lawyers, with the median salary for attorneys being slightly higher at $125,220 per year. Lawyers in Colorado can earn six-figure salaries in certain areas of the state.


The average lawyer salary in the state of Connecticut is $132,250 per year. This is one of the higher-paying states for lawyers, with the median salary for attorneys being slightly higher at $133,970 per year. Lawyers in Connecticut can earn six-figure salaries in certain areas of the state.


The average lawyer salary in the state of Delaware is $125,260 per year. This is one of the higher-paying states for lawyers, with the median salary for attorneys being slightly higher at $128,180 per year. Lawyers in Delaware can earn six-figure salaries in certain areas of the state.


In conclusion, the average lawyer salary by state varies greatly. The highest-paying states for lawyers are California, Connecticut, and Delaware, with attorneys in those states earning an average salary of more than $130,000 per year. On the other hand, the lowest-paying states for lawyers are Alabama and Arkansas, with attorneys in those states earning an average salary of less than $93,000 per year. However, lawyers in any state can make a comfortable living, depending on their experience and the type of law they practice.