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What Is Mortgage Loan Income To Debt Ratio?

Ratio Calculator for Mortgage Approval DTI Calculator
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Mortgage loan income to debt ratio is a key factor in determining a borrower’s ability to get approved for a loan. It refers to the ratio of a borrower’s gross monthly income to his or her monthly debt payments. Generally, lenders prefer to see a ratio of 36% or less, although some may allow higher ratios with compensating factors. The ratio is used to determine how much debt a borrower can comfortably handle and is one of the most important factors when it comes to qualifying for a loan.

How to Calculate Mortgage Loan Income to Debt Ratio

The mortgage loan income to debt ratio is calculated by taking a borrower’s gross monthly income and dividing it by his or her total monthly debt payments. This ratio is expressed as a percentage. For example, if a borrower has a gross monthly income of $5,000 and monthly debt payments of $2,000, the ratio would be 40%. The lower the percentage, the better, as this indicates that a borrower has more income to cover their debt payments.

Why Mortgage Loan Income to Debt Ratios Matter

Mortgage loan income to debt ratio is an important factor when it comes to qualifying for a loan. Lenders want to ensure that a borrower is able to comfortably afford their mortgage payments and other debts. If the ratio is too high, it may indicate that a borrower has too much debt relative to their income. As a result, lenders may be unwilling to approve the loan or may require the borrower to take on additional measures such as a higher down payment or lower loan amount.

Impact of Other Factors on Mortgage Loan Income to Debt Ratio

In addition to income, other factors can also affect a borrower’s mortgage loan income to debt ratio and their ability to get approved for a loan. These factors include credit score, the type of loan being applied for, and the amount of the down payment. A borrower with a higher credit score or a larger down payment may be able to qualify for a loan with a higher ratio. Conversely, a borrower with a lower credit score or a smaller down payment may need to have a lower ratio in order to qualify.

What are Compensating Factors?

Compensating factors are features of a borrower’s application that can make up for a higher mortgage loan income to debt ratio. These factors can include a higher credit score, a larger down payment, or a higher level of cash reserves. Lenders may be willing to accept a higher ratio if the borrower has other factors that make them appear less risky. For example, a borrower with a high credit score and a large down payment may be able to qualify for a loan with a higher ratio than a borrower with a low credit score and a small down payment.

What Happens if a Borrower’s Mortgage Loan Income to Debt Ratio is Too High?

If a borrower’s mortgage loan income to debt ratio is too high, it may be difficult for them to get approved for a loan. In this situation, the borrower may need to take steps to bring the ratio down, such as paying off debt or increasing their income. Alternatively, they may be able to use compensating factors to qualify for the loan. Ultimately, the best way for a borrower to get approved for a loan is to ensure that their mortgage loan income to debt ratio is as low as possible.


Mortgage loan income to debt ratio is an important factor when it comes to qualifying for a loan. Lenders prefer to see a ratio of 36% or less, although some may allow higher ratios with compensating factors. If a borrower’s ratio is too high, they may need to take steps to reduce it or use compensating factors to qualify for the loan. Ultimately, the best way for a borrower to get approved is to ensure that their mortgage loan income to debt ratio is as low as possible.