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What Is The Average Iq Of A Lawyer?

Are humans getting cleverer? BBC News
Are humans getting cleverer? BBC News from

When it comes to professions, many people assume that lawyers have a high IQ. After all, becoming a lawyer requires a tremendous amount of knowledge and dedication, not to mention the fact that it takes years of schooling. But, is the average IQ of a lawyer really that high? To answer this question, it is important to take a look at the intelligence quotient (IQ) of lawyers and compare it to the general population.

What is an IQ?

IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient and is a measure of a person’s cognitive ability. It is typically measured by an IQ test in which an individual is asked to answer a series of questions or complete tasks that are designed to measure their level of intelligence. The higher the IQ score, the higher the person’s cognitive ability.

Average IQ of Lawyers

The average IQ of lawyers is estimated to be around 125, which is higher than the general population average of 100. This means that the average lawyer is more intelligent than most people. However, it is important to note that IQ is just one factor when it comes to intelligence. Other factors such as creativity, problem-solving skills, emotional intelligence, and social skills also play a role in a person’s overall intelligence.

IQ of Top Lawyers

While the average IQ of a lawyer is 125, the IQ of the top lawyers in the world is estimated to be even higher. It is believed that the IQ of the top lawyers is around 140 or higher. This means that these lawyers are some of the most intelligent people in the world.

Does IQ Matter for Lawyers?

IQ is just one factor that can help a lawyer become successful. While it is important to have a high IQ, it is not the only thing that matters. In addition to having a high IQ, it is important for a lawyer to have strong problem-solving skills, creativity, and the ability to think on their feet. Furthermore, it is important for a lawyer to have excellent communication skills, as they will need to communicate with clients, colleagues, and other professionals in the legal field.


The average IQ of a lawyer is estimated to be around 125, which is higher than the general population average of 100. The IQ of the top lawyers in the world is estimated to be around 140 or higher. While IQ is important for lawyers, it is not the only factor that matters. Strong problem-solving skills, creativity, and the ability to think on their feet are also important for a lawyer to have in order to be successful.